Jul 13, 2016
Krallice and Yellow Eyes spin-off Anicon does their style of Brooklyn black metal, large epic production and melody.
Robed In Torments: Anicon (Brooklyn)(0:28-6:43)
Dance. Dance!
The White Tower: Withdrawal (Winnipeg)(7:40-10:32)
Italian psychedelic is just, professional.
Sun Spectre: Giöbia (Italy)(11:03-25:54)
2008-economic-collapse metal.
Spewing Gloom: Zhrine (Iceland)(26:47-31:01)
Thick swamp from Tennessee.
Rites of Divination: Navajo Witch (Tennessee)(31:28-37:35)
Buy ACxDC’s album on floppy discs, these guys are hip.
Evolved To Obliteration: ACxDC (SoCal)(38:01-39:22)
Slow spew.
Ordeal: Phobocosm (Montreal)(39:40-45:22)
Anthem and speed from old school bros.
Code Rude: Bat (VA)(46:10-48:54)
Moody album art matches the Chicago sound.
Invictus Maneo: Vukari (Chicago)(49:27-54:45)
Oh those Italians. Add stoner to this psychedelic.
Woman: Black Rainbows (Italy)(55:09-END)