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She Likes It Heavy

Jul 29, 2015

Behind my Vocals: 70's rock bro

4-piece Australian band who think humans are the true DOOM.  This is really wonderful black metal, gorgeous and almost up-lifting.  I need that sometimes.

Every End is Fated In Its Beginning: Hope Drone (Australia)(0:28-9:17)

You can’t push Locrian to show you their sound right away. ...

Jul 22, 2015

Behind my Vocals: Dexter Gordon, John Coltrane, Ornette Coleman

A chick is in this band or something? Is she the lead singer? It is a mystery, and let it stay so. Angularity from the best scene, Chicago.

Neoplastic: Immortal Bird (Chicago)(0:28-5:06)

Massive doom band from Col-eh-rado.

The Bereaved: Khemmis...