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She Likes It Heavy

Jul 24, 2013

This is my second week of semi-vacation from the show.  I am feeling especially nostalgic lately, could be that I am turning 40 this week and I feel really far removed from my childhood, AND I AM SAD ABOUT THAT.  I started last week with some new wave and alternative songs, and this week is some high school parking lot...

Jul 17, 2013

July is super busy, and so the next 2 weeks are a semi-vacation for me.  It is a pure music show, no commentary/no annoying indian voice! I will be back with metal in August!! Next week will be another Summer music show. . .

Hold Out: Washed Out (playing on August 25th in LA with the Melvins and My Bloody Valentine)...

Jul 10, 2013

Proggy instrumental Italian 2 piece gets some synth help from Ufomammut

Mayale: Zolle (Italy) New! (0:28-3:18)

I complain.

Old school 1989 song from Bolt Thrower, who just played at Maryland Deathfest and had a mini-tour.  They were pissed off a few years ago when Earache reissued Realm of Chaos, because they got no...

Jul 4, 2013

Aggressive and catchy riffs, this is an album to buy FO SHO.

Howling House: Take Over and Destroy (TOAD) (Arizona) New! (0:28-5:10)

I talk about loving the Finnish and their weird isolated ways.   

Forest: Horse Latitudes (Finland) New! (6:02-12:06)

Menacing and slower than the usual black metal.

Hordes Of The North: