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She Likes It Heavy

Sep 19, 2012

Well well well, if you don't go to YOB this week, I don't know what to say.  I have an excuse, I will be 3000 miles away with hipsters at some NYC music festival.
Other than that, party on bros; I hope to come back from NYC completely exhausted and broke.
Hey, if anyone can find the band Heat for me, I...

Sep 12, 2012

Enslaved is coming out with a new album on the 28th
September 21st: YOB at Brick and Mortar
September 21-23: All Tomorrow's Parties in NYC, featuring Afghan Whigs
September 29th: Mike Scheidt and Scott Kelly will be playing at the Hemlock
October 9th: St. Vitus at the Independent
Silencing Machine: Nachtmystium...

Sep 5, 2012

Labor Day, can there be a better idea?  
This week’s entertainment suggestions:

Watch:  On Netflix "Last Days Here" documentary about the lead singer of Pentagram, Bobby Liebling

Go to:

Friday, September 7th – Project One Gallery from 6 to 8pm, Jet Martinez’s paintings – absolutely some of the best I have ever...