May 25, 2016
Moogfest Special this week! I saw all the following artists perform in Durham for Moogfest,
Disasterpeace created the original motion picture soundtrack to 2014's It Follows, one of my favorite horror movies and soundtracks of all time. The last performance we saw at Moogfest was a showing of...
May 18, 2016
What stands out with Spektr is the industrial and electronic. Oh, and that they are completely incredibly awesome.
That day will definitely come: Spektr (France)(0:28-6:54)
Ugly pummeling fun.
Isoloate: Dark Circles (Montreal)(8:06-13:24)
Previous Goat Molestör, now Grave Miasma, and I’m like, your first band name...
May 11, 2016
Baltimore trio Musket Hawk brings forth the grit and groove and thrash and grind and fun.
The Grove: Musket Hawk (Baltimore)(0:28-4:53)
Experimental crazed Frenchies.
Tributes And Oblivions: Plebeian Grandstand (France)(5:59-11:12)
VEKTOR!!!!! Need I say more.
LCD (Liquid Crystal Disease):...