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She Likes It Heavy

The Mass Interview_Ghost Fleet Album_October 2016

Oct 12, 2016

It was a cold, rainy night fifteen years ago in San Francisco, and I was partying at the Lower Forty-Eight's record release party.  It was a historic night - I heard the Mass for the first time, and I was blown away: crazed avant-garde proggy metal with saxophone? It was a sound I hadn't heard before. 

These guys are...

Aug 24, 2011

Totimoshi are on a summer 2011 tour and drop by Prajmetal's pad where they discuss their new album Avenger, touring, life in general.  They will be playing the following shows:8/23 - Durham, NC @ The Casbah
8/26 - Charlotte, NC @ Milestone w / Music Hates You
8/27 - Atlanta, GA @ Drunken Unicron w/Order of the Owl, Sons...