Feb 22, 2017
Norwegian dark folk, melody, rich instrumentation, wicked vocals.
Enda-dagr: Helheim (Norway)(0:28-8:24)
Brooklyn black metal with emotive vocals.
Abject In Defeat: Woe (Brooklyn)(10:07-17:11)
Solid raspy vocals pairs perfectly with furious death metal.
Genesis To Your Curse: Ritualization (France)(17:46-22:15)
Nidingr has dude who plays with Mayhem. This is a non-traditional black metal album, lots of surprising sounds and tempos.
Gleipnir: Nidingr (Norway)(22:48-27:50)
Oh those Greeks. They are such strange, dreamy, badass weirdos.
Light/Fos: Locust Leaves (Greece)(28:46-36:53)
Lead singer from defunct Agalloch. This is a cleaner, simpler, doom-oriented sound.
Dark is the river of man: Pillorian (Portland)(37:32-46:59)
Witty noise rock from Australia.
Picking Teeth: Dead (AU)(47:50-50:36)
Instrumental band Omega Massif spun out this post-metal, lead-up oriented, composition-heavy band with a duo of strong vocalists.
Lights: Cranial (Germany)(51:22-END)