May 10, 2017
Drug Honkey. I first thought it was a stoner band, of course; and it ain’t stoner. It is gritty Chicago experimental death and industrial with psychedelic and noise, and will surprise you at every turn.
Sickening Wasteoid: Drug Honkey (Chicago)(0:25-6:19)
You gotta wait for The Ruins of Beverast. Atmospheric black demons in a parallel universe. This is leathery beast metal.
Surtur Barbaar Maritime: The Ruins of Beverast (Germany)(7:51-16:40)
I love the new Hawkwind: still sci-fi space hounds with a touch of hippie and psychedelic. This is their 30th studio album!!
Magic Scenes: Hawkwind (London)(17:28-23:40)
Drum-loving Ulvegr breathes out fumes from an alien universe with a bleak landscape and ethnic tribal sounds.
Manifestations Of Havoc: Ulvegr (Ukraine)(24:21-29:22)
Swedish Donald Fagen.
Sad State Of Affairs: The Night Flight Orchestra (Sweden)(30:07-34:42)
Imagine making out with a demon.
Disintigration to Absolute Void: Jyotisavedanga (India/Russia)(35:20-39:33)
70’s blues from long-haired Germans.
Sad Guru Returns: Samsara Blues Experiment (Berlin)(40:01-47:52)
New Jersey black metal ain’t stylish. It is muscular and raw and likes Italian food.
Rites of the Black Herald: Abazagorath (New Jersey)(48:57-53:32)
Austin riffs.
Prisoner Of Eternity: Destroyer of Light (Austin)(54:02-END)