Mar 9, 2016
Groove black metal from a great part of the metal world.
Eel: Absenta (Spain)(0:28-5:57)
Not very sweet grind from Aussies, who are pretty angry people.
Enslaved: Cursed Earth (AU)(6:51-8:43)
Belgian drumming added to a ferociously thoughtful album.
Ascension into the Palace of the Dark Gods: Lvthn (Belgium)(9:07-16:10)
Darkthrone’s Nocturno Culto is all over the place, guest vocals on Urgehal’s last album and this blast of an album. Good infiltration of thrash threading through the album.
The Wickeds Transient Sleep: Sarke (Norway)(16:46-20:25)
Debut album three years from their last E.P. Instrumentally strong.
As The Void Absorbs All Light: Lothorian (Belgium)(20:59-26:56)
Italian grind, great for working out.
Restore the Judgement: Neid (Italy)(27:56-29:57)
20 year-old band that has lent a fast pace to the atmospheric black metal scene.
Storming from Beyond: Sorcier Des Glaces (Quebec)(30:21-36:29)
No, this band is not Chinese. They just said they were, but actually are from North Dakota. Weird marketing scheme, but maybe not. Darkly emotional black metal from China is way rarer.
Death and the Maiden: Ghost Bath (North Dakota)(37:06-43:24)
Death, doom and sludge from Texans.
The Nameless Dead: Sabrewulf (El Paso)(44:28-49:36)
Oaken is a moody MOODY emotional romantic doom band, that breaks into blasts of hardcore.
The Hyena: Oaken (Budapest)(50:31-END)