Dec 23, 2015
Psychedelic atmospheric soundtrack for Russian cosmonauts.
Oblivion: Yuri Gagarin (Sweden)(0:28-8:18)
Noise, folk, theatrical black metal from some Frenchies.
Absolution: Maieutiste (France)(9:42-17:39)
Creepy Detroit noise.
Catching the Rich Train: Wolf Eyes (Detroit)(18:12-24:51)
Egypt is the best at always adding the best guitar riffs, jams out at the end of every song. Wait for it.
Tres Madres: Egypt (Fargo)(25:45-31:21)
Rich blues crooning. Whole album is a trip.
Black Woman: Mammothwing (31:53-40:26)
Top-notch party stoner.
Great Awakening: Toke (North Carolina)(41:04-46:40)
Greek sludgey hardcore.
Clean Cop: Chronoboros (Greece)(47:37-50:42)
Fuzzy Polish groove.
Supercluster: Major Kong (Poland)(50:58-57:12)
Christmas song (to end)
Behind My Vocals: Darth Vader, The Smiths, Christopher Cross, Pink Floyd, The Cure, Sisters, The The