Mar 18, 2015
Old school heavy metal, epic vocalist and fun tempo changes. Great personality.
Panic in Urals (Burning skies): Sacral Rage (Greece)(0:28-4:37)
Icelandic black metal with way cool modern compositions – tons of stuff going on here.
Söngur uppljómunar: Misþyrming (Iceland)(6:24-10:15)
Punk, metal, anthemic hardcore led by a very passionate lead singer.
Satellites: Cancer Bats (Toronto)(11:01-15:04)
Usually this type of technical death metal does not stand out; but this band has created memorable songs.
Sentence Of Immortality: Psycroptic (Tasmania)(15:54-20:18)
Finnish psychedelic which means the accent is gruff. Great JAM bro.
Fleeting Are the Days of Man: Garden of Worm (Finland)(20:36-26:11)
After 18 years, Eternal Solstice have brought forth a badass death album with awesome fun thrash thrown in.
Walk in Darkness: Eternal Solstice (Netherlands)(27:09-32:01)
So this is slower, but these dudes have made it groovy with instruments that stand out.
La Liberte aux ailes brisees: Norilsk (Quebec)(32:48-38:37)
Nerd metal: themes of science and cybernetics; some spacy electronica faintly threads through.
Macroshift: Wardenclyffe (Sweden)(39:14-47:02)
Bluesy psychedelic from Maryland.
Black Moon: The Lunar Era (MD)(47:58-53:55)
Leadups and epicness in this post-metal album.
Anger: Yanos (Germany)(54:47-END)
Behind my vocals:
Crazy Times: Black Spirit
Down and Out: Pluto
Season of the Witch: Suck
Super Heep: Elephants Memory
Come on Home: Thundermother
Morning Rain: Liquid Visions
Corrine: Gravestone
Chocolate Piano: Orang-Utan
White Hidden Fire: Weird Owl