Aug 14, 2013
Talking about my new nickname Empress of Metal, starting and
ending with Josh Martin. Dead in the Dirt is vegan and proud,
hailing from the age of straight edge. Really thick riffs
that break up the grind.
Will Is The War: Dead in the Dirt (Atlanta)
New! (0:28-3:24)
Anicon is rhythmic black metal and has satisfying
Free on bandcamp:
A Nest of Suns: Anicon (Brooklyn) New!
No longer a lonely 2, now 4 that thickens the mix
literally. The vocalist screams just right to make me
blush. Groovy.
8 Dead (In A Mobile Home): Hollow Leg (Florida)
New! (11:40-17:19)
First off, my friend Jules cracks me the hell up. I was
upfront at the Botanist show, we were just a tiny bit tipsy, and
she made me notice the following:
1) Botanist's drummer was facing the wall (very Blair Witch
2) The drummer sews the band's robes on his mom's sewing
3) His mom IS the botanist
4) The lead singer, the mutha f'n lead singer is a DEAD MUTHA
Outside of these stories, they rule, and you cannot miss them
the next time they play.
Nighshade (Mandragora II): Botanist (San
Francisco) New! (18:39-23:41)
Garage-y raw punk on my show you say? Yeah, why
not. The bros are from metal bands, and the singer
is evil enough to make the cut. Good album!
Cracked Flesh: Raspberry Bulbs (NYC) New!
Hailed as psychedelic black metal, which to me is a little
different. I think psychedelic black metal is when organic sounds
break up the wall of cold black metal. This is more
experimental black metal - ambient, landscape soundtrack mixed in
the wall of cold black metal.
Sex augu, tólf stjörnur: Wormlust (Iceland)
New! (30:04-37:24)
I don't play straight hardcore, come on! Illustrations follows
its hardcore path, but they are complex and I dig the romantic
lyrics, vocals and emotion.
Leave Me: Illustrations (San Antonio) New!
Bro from Aldebaran and bro from Unearthly Trance/Serpentine
Path coupled and gave birth to Howling Wind - their gay love child
is darker and deadlier. They apparently did not go the big
record route and self-released (spooged) it out.
Waves Come Crashing Down: Howling Wind
(Portland/NY) New!(44:28-49:43)
Belgium! Belgium! Home of hot drunk guys! Um, what? Oh,
this is rock or something.
Sea of Trees: Pektop (Belgium)
Rosetta is touring right now with your faves Ken Mode, and yeah,
what else, I don't know.
Fudo / The Immovable Deity: Rosetta
(Philadelphia) New! (54:32-END)