Mar 8, 2017
Detroit’s Fell Ruin sounds like the city: destroyed, raw, distorted, stormy doom. Vocalist sounds hot.
Spy Fiction Folds In Ready Streets: Fell Ruin (Detroit)(0:25-8:11)
Brooklyn black metal, a bit of sludge and groove and riff. Another debut with a very strong vocalist. Love these vocalists. Free download:
Coercive: Floods (Brooklyn)(9:38-16:50)
Death-infused core. I heard California Uber Alles.
Broken Oath: Ancst (Berlin)(17:16-21:07)
Hella strong album from Fen, each song is a journey. Be patient, this is one of the best atmospheric albums.
Winter III (Fear): Fen (London)(21:51-31:24)
Stomping good old school death. Tons of Blasphemer bands, so here you go:
Blasphemer: Blasphemer (UK)(32:13-37:37)
Ferociousness from Australia with a wisp of demon.
The Alnwick Apotheosis: Somnium Nox (Australia)(38:00-44:55)
French KLLK is ethereal, but will kill you if necessary.
Celebration II: K.L.L.K. (France)(46:09-53:42)
Werewolf metal, you heard me.
The Dweller Of The Woods: Cult of Eibon (Greece)(54:17-END)
Behind My Vocals: Giöbia, Krautzone, My Brother The Wind, Electric Moon, Sula Bassana, The Cosmic Dead, Interkosmos, Kikagaku Moyo