Mar 1, 2017
Brazilian black metal, who knew. Every song on this album is fucking great. Crushing, aggressive, impassioned.
Infidels: Patria (Brazil)(0:25-5:19)
Colorado costumed dark weirdo black metal, on a split with three other excellent bands from Sweden, Austria and Greece.
Nightbringer: Nightbringer (CO)(6:55-15:14)
Ah, finally, Unearthly Trance has reunited after seven years. They’ve been releasing albums for project Serpentine Path, but this is way better. Catchy, heavy, atmospheric fun.
Dream State Arsenal: Unearthly Trance (Brooklyn)(15:51-21:47)
Yet another excellent, beautiful, bubbly, energetic, blues swagger band from Sweden. Love you bros out there.
Denim and Leather: Screamer (Sweden)(22:29-28:16)
Deconstructed death metal. Clear, speedy, weird and full-on prime death metal.
The Distorting Light: Immolation (NY)(29:09-32:23)
Finnish Demonic Death Judge riff-out in a black sludge of psychedelic tar
Saturnday: Demonic Death Judge (Finland)(32:49-39:50)
Painful and explosive, like your butt.
Reptilian: Benighted (France)(40:15-43:29)
Icelandic metal is so image-prone. This is melodic, but dives deep into death in parts.
Bót Eður Viðsjá Við illu Aðkasti: Draugsól (Iceland)(44:23-53:10)
Growling angry power death, because you need that horror.
Dominance By Acquisition: Sinister (Netherlands)(53:38-58:53)
Female occult-led vocalist in fuzzy warm Italian psychedelic.
Godzilla: Psychedelic Witchcraft (Italy)(59:24-END)