Aug 10, 2016
Proggy mathematical black metal from the superior country of Greece.
Embrace the Savior: Imperium Infernalis (Greece)(0:28-7:48)
Mesoamerican-led Black Twilight Circle members Shataan is flute-infused black metal.
Release: Shataan (CA)(9:11-14:32)
Irish Okus is crusty melodic hardcore. Melodic, but angry.
Regicide: Okus (Ireland)(14:52-18:55)
Members of Carpathian Forest, In the Woods and Old Forest. I mean, read those band names again.
Realm of Breathing Eyes: Svartelder (Norway)(19:33-26:40)
Two-piece Wreck and Reference is samples and drums and industrial vocals. They layer in filth and noise, but who doesn’t.
Languish: Wreck and Reference (LA)(27:49-33:06)
Brutal death from Gatecreeper manages to slow down, but stay super headbang-y.
Craving Flesh: Gatecreeper (Arizona)(33:45-37:05)
Oh yeah, I like this one from them, this time.
Sorceress: Opeth (Sweden)(37:35-43:20)
Excellent sludge from Bädr Vogu. And I officially hate sludge, so that is saying something. I think it’s because they are good musicians, and keep it evil/real.
Deprogram: Bädr Vogu (Oakland)(43:42-51:10)
Gimp leather grind.
Putrid Prophet: Pink Mass (New Jersey)(52:01-54:26)
Soothing torture.
Within the Arms of Nothingness: Temple Nightside (Australia)(55:11-END)