Oct 5, 2011
My very first show on Bostonfreeradio.com.
I accidentally say "No one Likes You" rather than "No One Like You" by the Scorpions. Huge difference in meaning.
Fuimus: Keelhaul (0:12- 4:49)
(I talk about shoutouts to friends, old farts Keelhaul must see live, Jerusalem is 1974)
Pain of J: YOB (5:31-12:32)
Hooded Eagle: Jerusalem (12:33-17:22)
Illuminate the Decay: Deadbird (17:53-23:39)
(I talk about Arkansas, Batillus is my new favorite band and how incredible they are live and crushing on the lead singer and headbanging)
. . And The World is as Night to Them: Batillus
No One Like You: Scorpions (33:18-37:11)
The Invisible Guests: King Diamond (37:12-42:12)
Light Years Ahead: Dozer (42:44-47:54)
Time As Imperialism: Buried Inside (47:55-52:18)
(I talk about making out to the Scorpions and goodbye)
Crimson Sun (The Journey Begins): Iron Bitchface
Eldorado: Circle of Dead Children (54:34-end)